The ESG index
Since its creation, our company has decided to operate according to the standards dictated by the ESG Rating, which certifies its sustainability from the point of view of its environmental (Environmental), social (Social) and management (Governance) performance.
The ESG certification, in fact, objectively identifying the commitments of a farm towards environmental issues and, more generally, social and economic issues, represents in fact the greatest guarantee, towards customers and partners, of the work of the our company in compliance with the dictates and guidelines of the sustainability agenda, which also goes under the name of the “European Green Deal”, carried out with great determination by Europe and which sees in support for the transition towards systems sustainable food is one of the cornerstones of its current and future policies.
For a circular economy
Our project is worth 366 billion tons of CO2 less for the planet.
We improve the world with waste, because we are able to satisfy the 2 million land areas cultivated to meet the food needs of the entire world population through an environmentally sustainable project.
We care about sustainable production based on an abundant raw material and transformed from waste into a resource.
Green energy sources:
We produce 1,500,000 kWe of electricity every year
We produce 2,250,000 Kwt of thermal energy every year
Farm To Fork Strategy
Climate change and biodiversity loss pose imminent and lasting threats to food security and livelihoods.
What we can do:
Reduce the overall use of – and the risk from – chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030 and reduce the use of the most hazardous pesticides by 50% by 2030.
Report at least 10% of agricultural areas under high diversity landscape features (with buffer strip, rotational or non-rotation fallow, hedgerow, non-productive trees, terrace wall and ponds).
Grow 25% of EU agricultural land organically by 2030.
The process
and technology
The plant, operating at the headquarters of the BioEsperia company, processes Tuscan biomass from the second cut of the forest as a matrix, in full compliance with the thinking of the circular economy.
With our products we want to provide immediate, natural and sustainable help in the various human and agricultural fields, replacing the use of synthetic products with natural, organic and biological derivatives.

Ask us
Our experts will contact you to study together the most suitable solution for your company.