The culture project
It is not correct to speak of “agriculture” but of “agriculture”: each product has its own history , and this is why we develop a specific “project” for each customer, tailor-made for the needs and characteristics of its production agricultural, based on the “location” of the crop and its history.

Studiamo e realizziamo per la tua azienda un protocollo di trattamenti per la protezione e la fitonutrizione del vigneto, volto al superamento degli stress abiotici e biotici, sempre più pressanti nel cambiamento climatico, ponendo particolare attenzione alla produzione e alla salute delle piante.

Olive tree
Through precise and personalized plans for the olive growing sector, created with the support of our specialized agronomists, we offer solutions for phytonutrition, the increase of antioxidants (polyphenols and alpha-tocopherols in the oil) and the induction to protect the olive trees.

Orchards and small fruits
We study and tailor-make a protocol for the management of the protection and phytonutrition of orchards and small fruits for your company. In particular, the cultivation protocols are aimed at obtaining a finished product with a high nutraceutical value in the interest of the final consumer.

Thanks to the experience and studies of the universities, we are able to offer a management plan for your vegetables which, at the same time, increases production and quality, the objectives of which are: the increase in nutraceutical qualities, the longer shelf-life , zero residue, economic convenience in production and respect for the environment.

The cultivation of cereals in recent years has been re-evaluated: if in 2018 their price was the same as in the eighties, therefore unsustainable for producers, today cereals are considered essential foods. As such, they need attention to quality in production and cultivation, especially in defense and phytonutrition. For this reason, it is important to customize the cultivation plan based on the terrain, the cultivar, and the phytoclimatic zone.

We offer a dedicated project for each type of plant, studying the criticalities present, paying particular attention to making the environment unpleasant for unwanted insects, preventing transplant stresses in the plant, stimulating rooting with an auxin-like effect and keeping the apparatus luxuriant foliar application for the well-being of the plant and satisfaction in the garden.
Ask us
Our experts will contact you to study together the most suitable solution for your company.